Catamount Lodge Fall Induction Weekend
September 4, 2026 @ 6:00 pm - September 6, 2026 @ 10:00 am

Current Members
With fall fast approaching, it is time once again to get together in the spirit of cheerful service and fellowship while we welcome new members to the lodge. Your registration for the event includes lodge dues for the upcoming year.
Ordeal Candidates
Congratulations! You have been elected as a candidate for membership into the Order of the Arrow!
In most organizations, those who are already a part of the group select new members. However, in the OA, your peers, many of whom are not OA members, selected you. They saw a quality inside of you that you might not be aware of, and they have faith in you and how you live the Scout Oath and Law.
About Ordeal Weekends
This is just the first step in a journey that will last a lifetime. Your next step is to attend what is called an Ordeal, the induction experience for the Order of the Arrow. At the Ordeal weekend, you will have a chance to prove your courage and self-reliance; listen to your inner thoughts; serve your fellow human cheerfully; and prove your ability to live the Scout Oath and Law.
The Order is shrouded in mystery. We closely safeguard our ceremonies and traditions. This does not mean that you cannot talk to your parents about what happens. In fact, we encourage it, as it will help you to gain a better understanding. We do, however, ask that you not discuss it with your friends who might become members themselves one day. You would ruin the experience for them.
You will have a number of chances to complete your Ordeal. The lodge holds Induction Weekends in the spring and fall of each year. You must attend one of these weekends within 24 months (2 year) of being notified of your election. Otherwise, you will need to be re-elected, or need to get an extension. Ask your Lodge Adviser for additional details.
For more information about the Order of the Arrow, the Ordeal experience, what to bring, and more, please read our Information Flyer.