Angling Educator Course
March 16 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

When: Sunday March 16, 2025 (9 am to 2 pm)
Where: Harvard Sportsmen’s Club, 250 Littleton County Road, Harvard, MA
Cost: $10.00 per participant includes pizza lunch
Registration Deadline: February 23, 2025. To register: Email Tim Bradbury, Crew Advisor: tpbradbury@verizon.net
Angling Educator is a four-hour training course for Registered Scouters and Registered Scouts age 15+ (First Class+). It is a national course and is taught by BSA (now Scouting America) Certified Angling Instructors. The purpose of the class is to prepare program leaders to teach Scouting America Fishing Basics to Scouts and Cubs. The Angling Educator training teaches both fishing skills and how to plan and run fishing events for their unit, district, or Council. Angling Educators learn age-based and skills-appropriate fishing tools and techniques for simple cane pole and spin cast fishing. The course highlights best practices in both the classroom and in the field.
Graduates Can:
• Teach Cubs and Scouts to fish, and help them be more successful at catching fish.
• Gain knowledge and learn skills that can be enjoyed and shared for a lifetime.
• Improve day camp & summer camp attendance through fishing program options.
• Provide a major tool for recruiting and retaining Cubs and Scouts at the unit and district levels.
Graduates will receive a Scouting America Angling Educator patch and certificate.
Registration: Email Tim Bradbury, Crew Advisor: tpbradbury@verizon.net